If you are a borrower interested in paying off your home in a drastically reduced amount of time, then the Home Ownership Accelerator* is a product you must learn about. Take 5 minutes and watch the video below...
This is a fantastic loan program that essentially turns your entire home loan into a 1st lien Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) and ties your first mortgage to a checking account. You use this checking account just as you would with your old bank account. Make your usual deposits into the account and your usual withdrawals to pay bills or get cash. It is the only loan program of it's kind.
How it works is:
- you deposit your paycheck into the checking account
- therefore you reduce your average daily balance of the home loan,
- therefore you pay less interest,
- therefore more of your money goes towards principal,
- therefore you pay your home loan off faster!!!
That is what makes this tool so powerful. And all of this is done with absolutely no change to your current spending habits.
And the beauty of this program is you can withdrawal funds at any time because it is a line of credit. So matter how much you deposit into the account, the money is there to be used at any time and always remains accessible. The HELOC really does act as a checking account and has all the same features you are used to using with your current checking account such as:
- Direct Deposit
- Funds Transfer (ACH)
- Checks
- ATM (Star/Cirrus network, 8 free/mo)
- VISA point-of-sale card and my personal favorite...
- Free Online bill-pay
Using your specific scenario
Let's take the "patent-pending simulator" for a test drive
*“Home Ownership Accelerator” and the yellow flying house logo are registered trademarks and are used with owner’s permission. Certain content represents copyrighted material; used with owner’s permission.